Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's Independance Day

In August 2007, our friends Mike & Erin invited us to join them in their new trailer aka Mansion on Wheels, for our Church campout in Lake Isabella. Well to make a long story short, the hitch broke! Though we made the best of it and had a nice time...I'm sure it's an adventure we NEVER want to re-live!
They invited us to go camping this year over the 4th of July and we gladly joined them again! Thankfully, nothing broke on this trip, so we played games, watched movies and went into town to Erin's Dad's house for a BBQ and the firework show. The fireworks show was so HUGE we didn't know where to look. The city had a show to our right, the college straight ahead, and a very wealthy neighbor to our left.
Jonathan wanted to be in charge of Wyatt & Lukas and the fireworks they were going to light in the cul-de-sac, and he did a wonderful job keeping all the little ones safe! Thank you Jonathan, and thank you Mike & Erin for another great trip in the Augusta Manor! We look forward to our next trip together!
The pictures of the RV are just to show you how bad we had it "Slummin' in the Augusta's Trailer". BTW, the trailer in the background in the picture of Erin & I, is NOT theirs. I just thought I'd mention that since I'm bragging about how wonderful their RV is! It really is, and if you're blessed enough to be should go!!!

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